3 min readJan 4, 2022


I Stopped Being God

(I’ve always loved views like this and the picture while unrelated to my post gives views from God’s perspective.)

It’s a new year and the chances are that you are feeling better about yourself. You’ve spent a tidy sum of money in the festive period and it isn’t exactly atypical that you spent more on others than yourself.

It is how those seasons go, you make others smile, you wince a bit, but the feeling of making others smile trumps the momentary pain of virtue literally leaving your body.

Now, you’re back with your thoughts, your notebook and the expenses sheet and it looks like the numbers ain’t adding up.

Here you are dusting up old skills with which you can make some quick money before the month’ salary comes in on January 100th. You’re thinking, if I can just sharpen my skills or gain new skills, you’ll be more at a level that helps you do more for people and be okay too.

You’re really such a lovely soul and have obviously not subscribed to the Kala, Daju, Wuwa ika and Ma shey transfer mailing list.

I’m just going to say it as it is.

Perhaps you should subsribe and not just read all their mails. Lol, just kidding.

You’re never really getting out of the ghetto. At least, not in the way you think. There’s always going to be need for help irrespective of the level you get to.

This piece is to address the mindset behind the provision. There is the near-deification that we attain as humans when we show up for the needs of others. The pain that the loss brings is soon eased by the knowledge that someone’s life got a little easier and made more so when they are grateful.

We often have grand ideas of coming into unplanned riches and we have a mental sharing formula for the ones that matter to us.

Warm and fuzzy feelings are great and they can last for a while, however life is a portmanteau of decisions sandwiched with their outcomes. We are really just living in an outcome of a decision we made earlier or one that was made for us.

It’s time to stop being God.

To stop being God isn’t developing a prickly outer shell and being totally insensitive. It is acknowledging your mortality, your limits and choosing yourself too.

I am not saying put yourself first, because, great as it sounds, we hardly ever do. I am just asking you to put yourself on the list.

Choose yourself too and in that realize that you are a human with limits.

For every time that we think ourselves required to show up for certain people at ALL times, we enter shoes that are way too big for us to fill and we rob people of their ability to lean on God and to fully discover themselves.

A limited source feeding an unlimited well is the stuff of which chaos is made up. One will dry up and the other will yet be unsatisfied.

Resentment soon festers, matures and creates division that not much can heal.

So in the year 2022, in your personal finance journey, leave divinity to be and embrace and love your mortality. Your human self is amazing; amazing enough to switch career paths, decide to try new things, experience the most shattering of experiences and rebound from it. You are amazing, but not so amazing as to become divinity.

Be You,.

Stop Being God.




God-Themed | I embrace truth | Awakening Realist | Word Intern| Lawyer | Machine