2 min readJun 16, 2020


Eki, Love, Eternity and Pi.

What is eternity made of?

Endless pockets of that which we may attempt to measure, pockets of time for that’s all we see on this side. For every time that we think of the hereafter, it is still with the perhaps ‘finite’ mind that we presently possess. It’s not to be faulted for that is what we have.

The weight of our lives can be found in how we spend our time, habits are formed, the graph of predictability is formed and if seen through the tools that innovation and technology have so heartily placed in our hands, trickles of small data flow into a waiting receptacle called big data and soon for the man(generic use) behind the code, the man with administrative access, the man who gets to play God and can tweak a few points, micro-targeting and whatnot.

However, within the seeming bounds of finiteness, there is given to those who look only closely enough. Taught in mathematics, a subject some fear or despise, but which could be the answer to everything is the topic, Pi. Defined as the ratio itself, the transcendental number having a value rounded to eight decimal places of 3.14159265.

It is the number which never ends and if scrutinized thoroughly enough, tells the story of our lives from conception, birth, the gazillion in-betweens till death. It is the complete story of possibilities. It carries the source code to the paths that merged and caused us to meet.

It tells a story of the many possibilities and outcomes that could have been

So, what is eternity made of?

It’s made of you, Eki. It’s made of the doors to the other realm within this realm. Doors that don’t just offer momentary escapism, but tell and show of beauty right here and now. Peace here and now that acknowledges all that the world is becoming, but chooses joy.

It is made of a person that I can call home, a person with whom boundless opportunities are birthed, honed down to the essential and carried out with efficiency as only love can muster.

It is the place where all masks go off and vulnerability is strength.

It is a place.

It is a person.

And She is Eki….

Heil The Queen!!!!

Happy Birthday, I love you deeply.




God-Themed | I embrace truth | Awakening Realist | Word Intern| Lawyer | Machine